Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm exhausted!
Ritchie, Austin and I had a great time on Friday with clear visibility(40-60 Feet vertically and 50-70 laterally). We dove all day from 7am to 6pm. not including boat ride & cleanup. The seas were flat, calm, clear, except for lots of algae in the water...

I got to take some pictures and video right in the action on numerous occasions. After coming up from my first dive, 2 yellowtail (one 15# and one 30#) cruised behind to check me out. Austin, following me upcurrent made a quick dive and shot the larger of the two fish. Then a sealion came to check him out:

We dove on the spot and my last 4 dives I saw yellowtail everydive diving the outer edge of the bait and facing the bait.
Then, turning around and yellowtail(s) (1-2) would come by to check out what was going on.

Tried taking a little footage and should be posting a few better videos hopefully soon (less shaky) Here is a little Calico Bass Spearfishing video. I'm searching for a better technique than left hand holding camera, right hand holding gun, so I dropped the gun, swam after it and picked it up relatively close to the bottom. Seemed to work =)
Some U/W Pictures of Ritchie and his 30# yellows

1 comment:

mishu1984 said...

i absolutely love Rabitech gear!
the bags and guns are amazing. currently its right up there with Freedivers guns.
keep up the good work